
Gene Therapy Manufacturing

The promise of new gene therapies for patients with few or no treatments available is driving demand for rapid innovation, with hundreds of gene therapies now in development worldwide. But bringing a new gene therapy to life demands a high degree of expertise in viral vector manufacturing and testing. Yet there are many challenges to producing a gene therapy including accelerated time-to-patient, lack of an established process template, and evolving regulatory guidelines.

Gene therapy manufacturers must find their own path through complex obstacles in process development, scale-up, manufacturing, and regulatory compliance ­– all within compressed timelines of just 3-5 years, less than half the time for conventional drugs.

Successful manufacturers must also show agility in clearing regulatory, safety, and process development hurdles. Consequently, alliances with experienced global technology partners or contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMOs) are often essential for bringing a gene therapy to life.

Related Product Resources

Gene therapy development: Grow, purify, formulate

Gene therapy process infographic, from cell culture media to final filtration


Viral Vector Upstream Processing

Viral Vector Upstream Processing

Making the right upstream process decisions not only impacts viral vector titer, but downstream processes, timelines, and regulatory acceptance 

Viral Vector Downstream Processing

Efficient virus purification processes can improve yield, decrease time to patient, and lower manufacturing costs

Viral Vector Formulation and Final Fill

Formulating a commercially viable gene therapy demands a high level of application and regulatory expertise

Viral Vector Characterization and Biosafety Testing

Critical biosafety testing and characterization of viral vector products can help to fully analyze key quality attributes: identity, potency, safety, and stability

Viral Vector Contract Development and Manufacturing

CDMO partnerships play a critical role in advancing clinical pipelines and achieving successful commercialization

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