  • Label-free proteomic analysis of the hydrophobic membrane protein complement in articular chondrocytes: a technique for identification of membrane biomarkers.

Label-free proteomic analysis of the hydrophobic membrane protein complement in articular chondrocytes: a technique for identification of membrane biomarkers.

Biomarkers : biochemical indicators of exposure, response, and susceptibility to chemicals (2016-02-13)
Csaba Matta, Xiaofei Zhang, Susan Liddell, Julia R Smith, Ali Mobasheri

There is insufficient knowledge about the chondrocyte membranome and its molecular composition. To develop a Triton X-114 based separation technique using nanoLC-MS/MS combined with shotgun proteomics to identify chondrocyte membrane proteins. Articular chondrocytes from equine metacarpophalangeal joints were separated into hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions; trypsin-digested proteins were analysed by nanoLC-MS/MS. A total of 315 proteins were identified. The phase extraction method yielded a high proportion of membrane proteins (56%) including CD276, S100-A6 and three VDAC isoforms. Defining the chondrocyte membranome is likely to reveal new biomarker targets for conventional and biological drug discovery.

Product Number
Product Description

Triton X-114, laboratory grade