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facet applications:Epigenetics
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Fragmentation of chromatin in ChIP
Fragmentation of chromatin in Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
Histone Modification and Chromatin Remodeling | Epigenetics
Epigenetic modifications are thought to occur through two key interconnected processes—DNA methylation and the covalent modification of histones.
p53: DNA Damage Response and Cancer
p53 regulates gene expression, cell cycle control and functions as a tumor suppressor. Inactivation of p53 is closely tied to cancer development.
Epigenetics Overview
Epigenetics is a term coined to describe changes that are not mutation based but can still be passed on from generation to generation. Genes that are activated or repressed without any change in DNA sequence are epigenetically controlled. Epigenetic modifications
Global DNA Methylation Quantification
The overall degree of methylation of a genome can be a useful measure of global regulatory changes. Measurement of this parameter is usually performed after complete digestion to the single base and then analyzed using HPLC or mass spectrophotometry. The
ChIP-X: Cross-linking proteins to DNA and cell lysis
X-ChIP: Cross-linking proteins to DNA and cell lysis
ChIP: Immunoprecipitation, Washing and Elution
Selecting an appropriate ChIP antibody is the one of the most critical steps toward a successful ChIP experiment. Even the highest quality antibodies, which may perform very well in typical Western blot validations, may not be suitable for ChIP.
ChIP Troubleshooting Tips
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Troubleshooting Tips
Guides to cell number for ChIP and endpoint analysis
Guides to cell number for Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and endpoint analysis
Agarose Beads Vs. Magnetic Beads in ChIP
Agarose beads Vs. Magnetic beads in Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
Introduction to DNA Methylation
Epigenetic regulation starts with DNA wound around a set of completely acetylated histones associated with an activated, fully transcribed gene.
dna methylation bisulfite conversion
An article on DNA Methylation and Bisulfite Conversion.
Agarose beads Vs. Magnetic beads in ChIP
Agarose beads Vs. Magnetic beads in Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
Fragmentation of chromatin in ChIP
Fragmentation of chromatin in Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
DNA Methylation and Bisulfite Conversion
There are several common ways to determine whether a gene contains methylated DNA. Since mammalian methylation occurs at cytosines, researchers take advantage of the fact that methylated cytosine (meC) is stable to bisulfite treatment but unmethylated cytosine is transformed to
Global DNA Methylation Quantification
The overall degree of methylation of a genome can be a useful measure of global regulatory changes. Measurement of this parameter is usually performed after complete digestion to the single base and then analyzed using HPLC or mass spectrophotometry. The
ChIP Troubleshooting
Frequently ask questions about ChIP.
Histone Modification and Chromatin Remodeling | Epigenetics
Epigenetic modifications are thought to occur through two key interconnected processes—DNA methylation and the covalent modification of histones.
Guides to cell number for ChIP and endpoint analysis
Guides to cell number for Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and endpoint analysis
Epigenetics Overview
Epigenetics is a term coined to describe changes that are not mutation based but can still be passed on from generation to generation. Genes that are activated or repressed without any change in DNA sequence are epigenetically controlled. Epigenetic modifications
p53: DNA Damage Response and Cancer
p53 regulates gene expression, cell cycle control and functions as a tumor suppressor. Inactivation of p53 is closely tied to cancer development.
Introduction to DNA Methylation
Introduction to DNA Methylation
Carcinogenesis and Epigenetics
Carcinogenesis and Epigenetics