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Showing 1-3 of 3 results for "A4403SIGMA" within Site Content
Ascorbate in Cell Culture
Importance and uses of ascorbate in serum-free eukaryotic, including hybridoma and Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell, cultures
Naive Pluripotent Stem Cell Culture in an Inhibitor Based 2i/LIF Containing Serum-Free and Feeder-Free Stem Cell Media
Naive pluripotent stem cells are located within the epiblast of mature blastocysts. These primitive “ground-state” cells may be cultured in vitro using specialized media and small molecule inhibitors.
3D Organoid Culture: New In Vitro Models of Development and Disease
rganoid culture products to generate tissue and stem cell derived 3D brain, intestinal, gut, lung and cancer tumor organoid models.