HomeSmall Molecule HPLCDetermination of Sucralose in Soy Sauce using HPLC-ELSD following the Chinese National Standard (GB) Method

Determination of Sucralose in Soy Sauce using HPLC-ELSD following the Chinese National Standard (GB) Method

Dean Duan

Merck Life Science - Global Application Center, Shanghai, China

The most frequently used synthetic sweeteners are: saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame, and sucralose (E955), and this application illustrate the analysis of sucralose from soy sauce following the current Chinese national standard method.

Quantitation of sucralose was carried out through ELSD detection after chromatographic separation on a Discovery® HS C18 HPLC column. Sample preparation was performed on Supelclean™ SELECT HLB solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges. Satisfying chromatographic results could be obtained, and it was possible to construct an exponentially fitted calibration curve with adequate regression, providing Limit of Detection (LOD) and a Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) meeting testing requirements


Specificity and Repeatability

1. Specificity: Inject Standard Solution and determine the retention time and monitor the peak purity

2. Standard Repeatability (Sucralose, 200 ppm)

3. Power exponent

SPE recovery of sucralose (Soy Samples spiked at 0.05g/kg)

SPE Recovery

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